Sonntag, Dezember 30, 2007

Silvester in Sydney - NYE in Sydney

Hello ya`ll !!

Hope you had a nice christmas with your beloved ones!
If not - the same was up to me... so don`t worry...

After an 1000km trip in 12hours by an average speed of 90 km/hand I finally made it to SYDNEY, the biggest city of OZ. Here the route in general...

here the last part of it... a nice area in the Sydney surroundings.
I couldn`t believe, this countryside-looking area is only 50km from Sydney.

Click here to view the Caravan Park (Avina Caravan Park) I`m staying at (satellite pic).
(Avina Van Park)

click here to view a spot where I possibly will watch the fireworX from (and zoom out)


bye, gagobert aka the G-MAN

Donnerstag, Dezember 27, 2007

Melbourne / Phillip Island

just wanna let ya know - I arrived in Melbourne / Phillip Island safely and met Lisa & Patrice on their campground.

Soon I will depart to Sydney for NEW YEARS EVE celebrations...

so long...
have a good one...

ciao & cya, gagobert

the lighthouse pic was taken here:
Cape Otway
(oldest lighthouse on the australian mainland / fabulous!)

Montag, Dezember 24, 2007

g00dbye Adelaide

Thanks again for the outstanding and courageous, kind hospitality and the great time a could have in Adelaide! All of you were terribly nice!

It was an awesome time in Adelaide just because of I met nice people!!

Today on my mums HAPPY BIRTHDAY (!) and "Christmas Eve" I`ll leave Adelaide heading for Melbourne. On the about 1200km track I gonna see the spectecular "Great Ocean Road" [de-link / en-link] and gonna meet some friends in Melbourne soon....

Have a good time and take good care ya`ll !

c ya, gerald aka the G-MAN

in & around Adelaide

Here`s a selection of some of the snapshots I`ve taken while in and around Adelaide.

seen in Hahndorf - a former german settlement...

see on Granite Island - Victor Harbour

seen in Adelaide...
seen in Semaphore (coastal suburb of Adelaide)

seen in Port Adelaide

seen in Semaphore
seen in Semaphore...

a nice Mall linked to the "Rundle Mall" in Adelaide

Chinatown in Adelaide
the Art Gallery of South Australia (I`ve been to the exhibition "WAR" from "Otto Dix".

seen in Adelaide...
the Art Gallery of South Australia (I`ve been to the exhibition "WAR" from "Otto Dix".

seen in Adelaide... in the "Rundle Mall"

seen in Adelaide...

seen in Adelaide...

Freitag, Dezember 21, 2007

heftiges Erdbeben in NZ

Während ich "immernoch" in Adelaide bin dringen diese news zu mir vor:

Ein heftiges Erdbeben hat am Donnerstag in der neuseeländischen Küstenstadt Gisborne Chaos und Schäden verursacht. Viele der 30.000 Einwohner waren am Abend (Ortszeit) in Panik auf die Straßen gerannt, als das Beben der Stärke 6,8 die Region erschütterte.


Mittwoch, Dezember 19, 2007


As my friends and family already know... an outstanding kind & noble hostfamily accommodates me while staying in Adelaide - the capital of South Australia. Whilst beeing at their home everything is going on politely and - of course - eeeeaasy - the typical australian-(aussie)-way.

I feel so glad about the fact this is happening to me... just can't find any matching words to descripe my feelings. In particular because they don't treat me like a stranger - more like an old friend.

A furtune coincidence is responsible for meeting my hostfamily what makes it very special at all.
Well - of course I will NOT provide private details like the name and so on... I can show the area I'm living in to give an idea what the view (out of the window of the spare room) is:

ADELAIDE - Kindly accommodated by my hostfamiliy - East of Barula Rd. (the route indicates one of the possible viewing directions).
The view includes the CITY of Adelaide, some suburbs like GLENELG, the beach and the sea.

Yesterday I spent almost the whole day with a nice asian girl and all I can say is that conversations are covering many different topics and are about to become easy for me.

Conversations are not only easy and quite interesting for me. The fact I've not to translate thoughts from german to english anymore makes it almost just normal to speak everyday's english.

That's it for now...
KIND REGARDS, gagobert aka the G-MAN


I hope ya'll doing very well and insofar as you will spend christmas with your family you knowingly should enjoy and appreciate this fact!

Sonntag, Dezember 16, 2007

"Mr. Bulldust" arrived in Adelaide

G`day ya`ll !

just wanna let you know that I, my van and approx. 175kg Bulldust arrived in Adelaide / South Australia.

The first sight of the sea in Port Augusta and a fresh breeze was really recreative!

By having a stroll through Adelaide CBD (City Business District) I almost couldn`t get it... back in a real city after several weeks on tour, where only little towns like Cairns, Alice or Darwin were waiting for me.

[[As you can see, my last route took me a few days - more than 1100km unsealed dirtroad included. A total of 3306km and some more left until Melbourne (about 1300km ).]]

Brisbane was the last real city - and I left Brisbane end of May 2007 and I`m in Adelaide now on the 16th of December 2007.

Picutres, Videos and some informations about my experiences in the outback in and the tropics will be released soon or email straight into your email-account.

Take it easy and SLAP ON GUYS!

c ya, the G-MAN

Donnerstag, Dezember 13, 2007

one step further...


After changing my plans I arrived in COOBER PEDY - sealed roads again.
For now I'm not sure if I will go further south by the Stuart Highway (sealed Highway) or if I should go back to the Oodnadatta-Track tomorrow to see some nice spots.

I've already seen the "PAINTED DESERT"(wikipedia), the MOON PLAINS (MAD MAX MOVIES) and the DOG FENCE (also known as Dingo Fence, the longest fence in the world, 5600km).

Click HERE for some external touristic information about the "Painted Desert".

This link shows an aerial photo of an rock formation of the painted desert.

I'll let you know as soon as I made my plan...

ciao, the G-MAN!

Oodnadatta Track

I'm currently on the Oodnadatta Track and spent the last night here:

It's very different to what I've seen before. It's real desert and completely remote.
No sealed roads, bull dust EVERYWHERE and in 3.5 hours only one car on the unsealed dirtroad.

Next stop is William Creek and Maree. I try to update this site but it might be hard...

all the best to you!

ciao, the G-MAN

Dienstag, Dezember 11, 2007

on the road again...


Hoffe alles im Lot in "good old germany" !

Bin nach Kakadu und Litchfield Nationalpark wieder in Alice Springs angekommen (gestern 800km geprügelt) und habe jetzt ein LPG-(Autogas) Problem am Van. Alice liegt in der Mitte des Kontinents und ist von Darwin aus etwa die halbe Strecke bis Adelaide.

Die Füllstands-Anzeige zeigt VOLL an, obwohl es leer ist und Nachfüllen ist nicht möglich.

Werde also hier mal nen KostenVoranschlag machen lassen und dann entscheiden, ob ich mit dem VAN auf Normal-BENZIN für ca. 360 AU$ nach Adelaide fahre, weil es dort vielleicht günstiger repariert werden kann.

Mal sehen, ob es nur ne Kleinigkeit ist oder eine eher schwerwiegende
Sache ....

======== UPDATE ========
neuestes Update wie folgt:
======== UPDATE ========

Das ist allerdings mehr eine kleine Geschichte!

Fahre also vorhin mit dem VAN und der Angst, viel Geld investieren zu
müssen zur 1. Werkstatt, die LPG auf ihren Flaggen stehen hat.

Habe dort dann die zu lösende Aufgabenstellung mit einem Flipchart,
einem Beamer und meinem Travelmate geschildert.

Nachdem klar war, dass keiner von den dortigen Mechanikern von LPG
Ahnung hat, fragte ich freundlich nach einer weiteren Werkstatt.

Dort angekommen frage ich den netten bärtigen, tätowierten Mann am
Schalter, ob er der LPG-Fachmann sei. Er bejaht das - und ich erzähle
also alles nochmal.

Der meint dann kurzerhand - also er sei doch nicht der Fachmann - aber
sein Kollege.
Der Kollege dann ist um die 65 Jahre und wirkt etwas verkatert.

Die Story - was nicht funktioniert - wird also vom gagobert noml erzählt
- schööönes Ding!

Der gute Mann schaut kurz aufs Fahrzeug - geht in die Werkstatt - holt
einen einzelnen Schraubenzieher und kommt ohne Kommentar meinem Fahrzeug
näher. Immer näher und nähert sich dann weiterhin ohne Kommentar dem
Tank-Ventil des Gas-Tanks!

Plötzlich - ich glaubte nicht recht zu sehen - hält er die Spitze des
Schraubendrehers in die Mitte des Ventils und Haut hinten auf den Griff.

Ich denke in diesem Moment, dass evtl. der Van samt allem Inhalt
schlichtweg explodieren wird.
Aber es macht (da der 400km Reichweite-Tank mich schon 430km gefahren
hat und er dementspr. leer ist) nur einen Zisch-Ton (etwa so wie wenn
eine Sprudelflasche geöffnet wird) und der nette Opa meint:

It`s done (fertig).

Ich solle jetzt einfach zum Tanken fahren (auch wenn die Tankanzeige in
diesem Moment noch VOLL anzeigt) und es mal mit dem Betanken versuchen.

Gesagt - getan - auf der Fahrt zur Tankstelle (1km) korregiert sich die
Tankanzeige plötzlich selbst und beim Tanken wird mein angespanntes
Gesicht wieder zum Grinse-Peter!

Also kurz:

Habe jetzt dementspr. einen vollen Tank und fahre nachdem die Wäsche
fertig ist in Richtung Adelaide los.


was soll man sagen:


ciao, the gagobert

Samstag, Dezember 08, 2007


More videos and pictures are coming soon

Darwin - Litchfield NP - Alice Springs - Adelaide

G'day ya'll !

hope ya'll doing very well - as always!

Today I start my trip south via the LITCHFIELD NPark and plan to arrive in Alice Springs on Monday.

Back in Darwin from the Kakadu NP I picked up a travelmate and gonna give that lift to Alice Springs.

That's it for now...

stay tune and SLAP ON GUYS !!

the G-MAN

Donnerstag, Dezember 06, 2007

Kakadu NP

G'day ya'll !
hope ya'll doing well !

Just wanna drop a quick note:

I'm currently in the KAKADU NATIONALPARK and gonna see what's next (probably Litchfield NP or back to Darwin to pick up a travelmate).

It's the largest Nationalpark in Australia.

take it easy guys!

ciao, the G