5 days out / Russel & Whangarei (2/2)
- Anybody recalling "D-Day"? -
A nice scenic view from top of the Parihaka:
on the way to Russel I crossed used the ferry from Opua by night and arrived in Russel @about 22:15 in the night.
First thing in the morning was a Cafe Latte on the port of Russel:
and a quick look around...
After finishing the coffee I went on to the historic flagstaff hill:
Then the best part of the day followed:
A short hike to an incredible beautiful spot!
I wandered in paradise... - that's for sure !!
Waitangi in the background (a flagstaff is visible on the other side of the bay!)
After another stop on Friday eve in Whangarei at Anne's relatives I spent my night in a spot called "one tree point".
On the way back to Auckland I stopped by at an Baseball-automated base - and hit some balls thrown out of an pitching machine - goooood fun hey!
Hope you're all doing very well...
c ya !
the gagobert
Last but not least - a special picture; no further explonation necessary - just CLICK FOR A LARGE VERSION (do it, doooo it!)
some people would call it "pornorama" ;-))))